Paper Title :Study of MTCD Grouping and Resource Scheduling for Reducing Signal Load in LTE Network
Author :Yen-Wen Chen, Chun-Hsien Kung, Yen-Yin Chu
Article Citation :Yen-Wen Chen ,Chun-Hsien Kung ,Yen-Yin Chu ,
(2017 ) " Study of MTCD Grouping and Resource Scheduling for Reducing Signal Load in LTE Network " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 1-6,
Abstract : This paper studies the load of control signal for machine type communication devices (MTCD) in long term
evolution (LTE) network. Comparing to the traditional wireless communication services, internet of things (IoT) shall
accommodate much more sensors or machine nodes and, therefore, introduce huge signaling load for radio resource
management procedure. In order to reduce the signal overhead, the dynamic device grouping approach is proposed in this
paper. Additionally, we also propose the residual radio resource allocation scheme based on the usage prediction. The purpose
of the proposed grouping and allocation scheme is not only to reduce the number of control message generated but also to
effectively utilize radio resource. According to the experimental results, the proposed device grouping and radio resource
allocation scheme properly achieve the above objectives.
Index Terms— Machine type communication, LTE, Radio resource allocation, Control signal
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-9
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-11-24 |