Paper Title :An Intuitive and Interactive Holographic Instructional Support System
Author :Chinlun Lai
Article Citation :Chinlun Lai ,
(2017 ) " An Intuitive and Interactive Holographic Instructional Support System " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 32-35,
Abstract : In this paper, an interactive holographic instructional support system with intuitive control mechanism which
combines 3D holographic display technology and hand-gesture recognition technology is developed. The proposed system is
designed to apply in nursing instruction to enhance instructional performance. First, we scanned an instructional model of
the human organ into digital 3D model and then edited the digital copy to create the corresponding 3D mesh vector. After
that, the vector is projected into different perspectives to develop a suspended 3D image for holographic projection, thus to
enhance instructors’ and learners’ sense of presence. Moreover, a special hand-gesture recognition module that enabled
instructors to freely manipulate the instructional object using intuitive hand gestures is developed to allow users performing
operations including perspective view change, scaling, shift, disassemble, and switch objects. It is observed that the proposed
system not only effectively increased instructional convenience but also enhanced learner motivation and effectiveness.
Moreover, the proposed system can be expanded into other professional disciplines as an effective holistic teaching aid.
Keywords- Teaching Aid System, Nursing Scenario-based Simulation Instruction Method, Holographic Projection
Technology, Gesture Recognition Control, Augmented Reality.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-9
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-11-24 |