Paper Title :The DAC Resolution Enhancement for DC Applications by using Multiple PWMS on Atmega328
Author :Nut Neamnark
Article Citation :Nut Neamnark ,
(2017 ) " The DAC Resolution Enhancement for DC Applications by using Multiple PWMS on Atmega328 " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 77-82,
Abstract : To gain higher analog output levels from digital systems, a high resolution DAC is required, which is usually a
cost tradeoff. This research demonstrates an affordable way to increase the DAC resolution with a low cost microcontroller.
It works by merging 3 PWM signals which are generated by an ATMEGA328 microcontroller in order to be used as an input
into an RC digital to analog voltage converter. The merging is completed by using digital circuit, which produces a new
carrier frequency by reducing the original PWM carrier frequency by a half. The new carrier frequency is merged with 2
PWM signals by logical operation. The theories and experiment results reveal that converting the united PWM signal to
analog voltages is possible. The conversion outcome is the improvement in analog voltage output resolution when compared
to the conversion from a single PWM.
Keywords: ATMEGA328, Microcontroller, Digital to Analog Converter, DAC, PWM, Resolution
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-6
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-08-26 |