Paper Title :Tracking Power Supply For A Sonar Power Amplifier
Author :Ambily Vijayakumar, V N Panchalai, Mangala Devi K T
Article Citation :Ambily Vijayakumar ,V N Panchalai ,Mangala Devi K T ,
(2017 ) " Tracking Power Supply For A Sonar Power Amplifier " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 54-58,
Abstract : A Sonar Power Amplifier (SPA) is used to excite underwater electroacoustic transducer whose impedance is
frequency dependent. The Source Level (SL) underwater varies with the frequency if the output voltage of SPA is regulated
at a constant voltage. To overcome the undesirable SL variation with the frequency, a variable output ac-dc converter which
feeds SPA is proposed in this paper. The output of the ac-dc converter is controlled in such a way that it follows the
Transmitting Voltage Response (TVR) of the transducer. By knowing the TVR prior and controlling the output of SPA in
accordance with TVR, provides a constant source level over the frequency range of interest. A prototype of 500Watts
converter has been developed and salient results are presented in this paper.
Keywords - sonar, transducer, Sonar Power Amplifier, Transmitting Voltage Response, Phase Shift Modulation.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-6
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Published on 2017-08-26 |