Paper Title :Analysis of Smart City IoT Architecture
Author :M. Rohith, P. Priyanka
Article Citation :M. Rohith ,P. Priyanka ,
(2022 ) " Analysis of Smart City IoT Architecture " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 1-5,
Abstract : Abstract - Communication is the most essential fragment in any network, whether in a human society, an animal society or in a device network. To make the communication possible with in a device network, smarter things, greater network and high-speed data transfers are needed. This communication between things is only possible by Internet of Things (IOT). Smarter communication between things can be made possible by connecting different domains with each other using IOT. Smart cities enable this connection between different domains. The smart city services of IOT for smarter cities, are presented in this paper which communicated with each other within a city to make the cities more intelligent and smarter. The flow of the paper goes by explaining different smart services in a city, how they are connected in a network to communicate with each and type of devices in the network to facilitate this smart communication.
Keywords - Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Smart Communication
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-10,Issue-2
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Published on 2022-08-30 |