Paper Title :The Analysis of the Efficiency for Remote Home Security Monitoring System using Lora on Frequency 433 MHz
Author :Hendrianto Husada, Juara Mangapul, Albert Gifson
Article Citation :Hendrianto Husada ,Juara Mangapul ,Albert Gifson ,
(2022 ) " The Analysis of the Efficiency for Remote Home Security Monitoring System using Lora on Frequency 433 MHz " ,
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC) ,
pp. 1-3,
Abstract : Abstract - Information Technology is one of the field that is developed very fast parallel with the development of software and hardware which support it. Talking about information technology so some of the components which support it like Arduino, raspberry and other IoT devices should be talked also because all this devices usually be in one sistem that is worked based on computer system. On the era of modern like today , a house that is supported by sophisticated security systems is very important. Because House is Human’s primary requirement. At this time the writer discuss about efficiency 0f home security systems using LoRa on frequency 433 MHz. On this writing , a writer use Arduino microcontroller system ,magnetic switch and software Arduino IDE with communication media using LoRa. On this research a writer Analyze and do some testing about parameters that influenced to the systems performance to produce the best performance of monitoring security system using LoRa on sending data. From this research is expected that we can design a security system using LoRa with optimum condition .
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-10,Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2022-05-02 |