Paper Title
Face Recognition Revisited on Pose, Alignment, Color, Illumination and Expression- PyTen
Growing interest in intelligent human computer interactions has motivated a recent surge in research on problems
such as pose estimation, illumination variation, color differences, alignment distinction and expression variation. Human
faces are highly non-rigid objects with high degree of variability in pose, color, expression, alignment angles and
illumination conditions and most face recognition algorithms (not all), are designed to work best with well aligned, well
illuminated, and frontal pose face images. An optimal face representation should be discriminative, robust, compact and easy
to implement. The conventional pipeline of face representation consists of image pre-processing, extraction, alignment,
representation and classification. Our approach is based on feature sharing structure of deep network called Pyramid CNN
(Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network) which has known to adopt a greedy filter and down sampling approach for a fast
and computation efficient training procedure. CNN learns representation of the face utilized by recognition algorithms in
later stages. The color values of face images are normalized to RGB color space to reduce the lightning effect in
normalization process. We use Field proposed Log Gabor filters for feature extraction which allows more information to be
captured in high frequency domains with desirable high-pass characteristics. Using feature sharing Pyramid CNN we are
able to achieve competitive accuracy on LFW database.
Keywords - Face recognition, Pyramid CNN, Deep network, Pose, Alignment, Color, Illumination, Expression