Paper Title
Iot Learning Platform using A Programmable Four-Axis Robot Arm
This article proposed a low cost and free software learning interactive platform as assistance in the learning of the
embedded system and the micro controller software. Owing to the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT)
technology in recent years, the demand for IoT-related technicians has been increasing in all countries, which is also the reason
why embedded systems courses are indispensable in today's universities. The purpose of the study is to construct a teaching
system for IoT and embedded applications. With integration of the application development features of App Inventor 2 plus
the embedded development board of NodeMCUESP8266 with Wi-Fi functions, an Android smart platform and the NodeMCU
were utilized in the environment within the same network to use an APP for the wireless controlling of a robot arm. All these
may allow the students to learn how to develop diversified embedded systems and IoT technologies and elevate students’
ability in professional program development.
Keywords- App inventor 2, Wi-Fi, IoT, Robot arm.