Paper Title
Modeling And Control Of Dfig Based Wind Generator Under Sub To Super Synchronous Mode Of Operation
As a renewable, reliable and clean energy, the wind energy has attract more attention. This paper presents the
analysis and modeling of Doubly Fed induction generator (DFIG) Variable speed wind turbine and investigates the control
strategy under two modes of operation. Depending on wind speed, the DFIG based wind turbine is capable of operating in
sub and super-synchronous mode of operation using back to back PWM converter. Vector decoupling control scheme has
been adapted to analyses mathematical modeling of DFIG based wind turbine. The main aim of DFIG based wind turbine
can extract maximum power from fluctuating wind. Simulation results for a DFIG system has been demonstrated and is
used to show how such a control scheme offers the possibility solution of controlling the active and reactive power of DFIG
Index Terms- doubly fed induction generator, sub and super synchronous, power converter, vector decoupling control