Paper Title
Robust And Efficient Protocol To Authorize Multiple Network Users In Wsn
Wireless Sensor Network is a wireless network consisting of a group of sensor nodes used to monitor physical and
environmental condition. Wireless Sensor Network represent one of the main technology in key applications. Wireless
Sensor Networks are Vulnerable to security threats. Several Protocols have been proposed to make them secure .Some of the
protocols mainly concentrate on securing data. These protocols are named as data discovery and dissemination protocols.
The data discovery and dissemination protocol for wireless sensor network is used for distributing management commands
and updating configuration parameters to the sensor nodes. All existing data discovery and dissemination protocols suffers
from two drawbacks. Basically, they are based on centralized approach (only the base station can distribute data item).This
approach is not suitable for multiple owner-multiple users. Second the protocols were not designed with security in mind.
This Paper proposes the first distributed data discovery and dissemination protocol named DiDrip which is more secure than
existing. The protocol allows multiple owners to authorize many network users with different priorities to simultaneously
and directly disseminate data items to sensor nodes.
Index terms- Distributed Data Discovery and Dissemination, Wireless Sensor Networks, DiDrip, Network Owners.