Paper Title
Development of a Cartesian Robot for Silver Nanowire (AgNw) Testing
One of the ongoing research project in the University of the Philippines is developing a silver nanowire (AgNw) conductive sheet. The conductive sheet is designed to be used for touch screen applications. Hence, there is a need to characterize and test the electrical characteristics of the silver nanowire. Specifically, this project developed a testing platform for the testing of AgNw. The project addressed both the mechanical and electronic design of the test platform. The testing platform adopted a Cartesian form. Parts were modeled using Open SCAD and then prototyped using fused filament fabrication. Two stepper motor, one for each Cartesian axis, provide actuation and employs screw driving. A controller board was also made that housed a PIC microcontroller and stepper motor drivers to provide control for each axis. The controller also accept interrupts from the data probe to provide a means of communication between them. The Cartesian robot’s performance parameters was tested. Specifically the Cartesian robot’s repeatability, and accuracy was characterized. The frame is rigid that repeated motions are possible. The platform is easily configured for different sizes and tests. This opens up the possibility of being used for other testing purposes. Keywords - AgNw Testing, Cartesian Robot, Robotics, Automation.